What Perspective Do You Have With Your Money?

Your thoughts and focus about money will determine your perspective with it. For some people, having money is the equivalent of having reached the top of the ladder when it comes to their standing in life.


They tie up how much money they have with who they are as a person. If they have plenty of it, then they feel a greater sense of self-worth. But when you equate the money you have to whether or not you’re worthy as a person, that can backfire.


When the money isn’t plentiful, people who tie their self-worth up in it will then feel bad about themselves and about their lives. Being reflective about money and how you view it can not only help free you from associating wealth with your self-esteem, but it can also set you free from money habits that can be self-destructive.

Being reflective about money and your thoughts around it means realising why you believe what you believe about money. People who grew up struggling from paycheck to paycheck will view money differently from people who grew up in an affluent lifestyle.


The way that you were raised will play a part in how well (or not) you deal with money. Children who grew up where there were financial struggles can often become workaholics because as adults, they want to make sure that they have enough.


The sting of having done without will drive them to accumulate more money and possessions than they did. Often, this drive will be at the expense of relationships, taking time for themselves and knowing what a positive relationship with money looks like (including planning for your future and your legacy).   


People who’ve always had plenty of money can be a little less careful about reigning in spending and that carelessness will often come back to bite them. Being mindful about money means recognising that money is a tool that can be used for good in your life but not making it the centre of your life. It can also help you not be stressed when you do have money struggles and it can help you to realign your thoughts about money with the goals that you want to reach.


Chasing after wealth means that you pay for it in other ways that you may not even be aware of such as your other core areas suffering; your business, marriage, parenting, personal life and social life. Also, work-life balance will fly out of the window because you’ll always feel pressure that what you have isn’t enough (money or possessions). You will not have the capacity to think creatively on how you can enjoy life for example finding enjoyment and activities to do on a low or no budget.

With practice, you can let go of the feelings that are tied into how much or how little money you have. If you want to change how you handle your money, you must first begin to dig deep within and reflect on how you truly view it. You’ll also uncover how your spending or saving habits and your long term financial planning can be tied in with what you feel and what you think about money.


Everyone has times where they weren’t as wise with their money as they should have been. The problem arises not so much from those experiences, but from when you start beating yourself up about how you reacted in those experiences. View your current financial situation and your attachment to money with honesty and openness without making any kind of judgments about it or yourself. From there, move forward and research how to take small steps to becoming more balanced and reflective of your view of money.

Hi I’m Dr Norva Semoy Abiona, I work with ✨ Wivepreneurs – Wives who are entrepreneurs and may be Mothers or Executives too ✨. I help them to work on finding their unique life fusion in the 5 core areas of their life; marriage, business, parenting, personal life and social life. I have personally supported 100s of women on this same journey.

I want you and all the women who join my community to know that you can ‘Have It All’ and find your work-life balance (or business-life balance as I like to call it) that works for you and your loved ones.

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