Simple Communication Tips for Couples

Being in a relationship can come with a lot of challenges and one of these challenges is communication. Marriage is one of the 5 core areas I teach in the Wivepreneurs community because your relationships can make or break your life as it can lead to you being happy and fulfilled or miserable and empty. It’s important to continue working on it, especially the relationship with your spouse.


People don’t communicate the exact same way. You may say something and think that you’re speaking lovingly, but your partner’s communication skills may interpret it differently. 

If you want to better the way you communicate with your partner, learning simple communication techniques is best. You’ll learn ways to communicate effectively and how to wade through any conversations that keep the two of you stuck in a place where you can’t find common ground. 


It’s important to know how to communicate when you end up in an argument. In those situations, communicating with an open mind is a good practice. Just because you have a clear picture in your mind and an opinion of how things should be doesn’t make it correct and doesn’t mean your partner’s thoughts, feelings and ideas (whether they’re wrong or right) aren’t valid.


When you allow yourself to wipe the slate clean when it comes to any past offenses in communicating, it allows you not to pre-judge the current conversation. When you practice compassion and patience, it will help you be able to talk without causing the other person to go on the defensive. It’s both of you against the problem, not both of you against each other.


You’ll learn to listen in gentleness without bringing negative words or body language into the conversation. When you have a point you want to get across, you’ll be able to talk about it without becoming defensive or without casting blame on your partner. Having some key words/ actions that are not allowed to come up in an argument are good so you can protect yourself, your partner and your relationship. For example; we don’t use the word divorce, violent words or actions or we take time to cool for 5 mins before we come together to discuss an issue.

Once you put the previous steps above in place, it’s easier to foster an atmosphere that makes it easy for both you and your partner to share your hearts. When there’s a lack of communication between couples, it’s usually because one or both partners don’t feel like they’ve been heard or they don’t feel like they can trust the other person with what they’re really feeling.


Having the empathy, maturity and understanding to remain calm even when you’re dealing with a topic that might have pushed your buttons in the past can sometimes take time too. Give yourself grace as you learn these techniques and implement them in your conversations with your partner. You may not have overnight success but overtime, it will get better.


When you’re communicating with your partner, you can practice breathing exercises, time outs or allowing yourself to be vulnerable with your emotions and feelings in conversations to help keep you from becoming angry or defensive.

You’ll learn how to appreciate your partner’s many unique differences, how to offer encouragement, how to communicate with openness, honesty and gentleness.



Hi I’m Dr Norva Semoy Abiona, I work with ✨ Wivepreneurs – Wives who are entrepreneurs and may be Mothers or Executives too ✨. I help them to work on finding their unique life fusion in the 5 core areas of their life; marriage, business, parenting, personal life and social life. I have personally supported 100s of women on this same journey.

I want you and all the women who join my community to know that you can ‘Have It All’ and find your work-life balance (or business-life balance as I like to call it) that works for you and your loved ones.

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