Being Present with Your Kids Makes The Difference

When you’re practicing being present with your children, it allows you to be fully in the moment no matter how much time you can spend with your kids during the day.


It allows you to be more attentive, more easy going and less likely to concentrate on the performance of a child – whether it’s in the grades they receive in school or how they keep their room.


Not that those aren’t important, but those won’t be your focus and you won’t always give in to emotions and get upset when your child doesn’t reach certain milestones or makes mistakes. You’ll be able to see past whatever the situation or problem is, or to the emotion that your child is experiencing because being present allows you to concentrate on the subtleties of the conversation and see if what is going on is deeper than a surface issue.


You’ll be able to be more compassionate and more understanding when your child does something that they shouldn’t, or doesn’t do – and what they should do. This allows you to keep a healthy emotional and loving balance between you and your children.


As you know, children learn based on what they see.  They won’t always understand everything that you do, but based on how you react and interact with them, they will learn how to react and interact also.


If you react in anger and then walk away, refusing to speak with him, they’ll learn that anger is an acceptable response and that it’s okay not to communicate.


A lot of parents spend time with their children without really interacting with them or without really being aware of their children because their minds are millions of miles away.


When you’re mindful of your child’s presence; giving eye contact, responding to them and showing them that you’re listening and you care, it will help you enjoy being fully present with them – not just physically but emotionally also. This can help you establish a connection with your child and build bridges where there may have been relationship damages caused by hurt feelings. Remember you’re taking steps towards teaching them and doing better, this will not get perfect overnight.

When you practice being more present with your kids, you’ll be less anxious, calmer, more thankful and more accepting of yourself both as a parent and as a person, and your bond with your child will grow. Parenting really has no specific manual, I know we wish at times it did but as one of the 5 core areas, it’s important to take time to not only teach your child but also connect with them physically and emotionally. Life can get busy but quality time with your kids is priceless.



Hi I’m Dr Norva Semoy Abiona, I work with ✨ Wivepreneurs – Wives who are entrepreneurs and may be Mothers or Executives too ✨. I help them to work on finding their unique life fusion in the 5 core areas of their life; marriage, business, parenting, personal life and social life. I have personally supported 100s of women on this same journey.

I want you and all the women who join my community to know that you can ‘Have It All’ and find your work-life balance (or business-life balance as I like to call it) that works for you and your loved ones.

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